Thursday, December 07, 2017

Union Efforts and Development

Unfortunately our union president has been denied some meetings that I believe would empower both our union and our school system. As I listened to Revere teachers, administrators, and union personnel speak, I recognized once again the great strength that union (labor)-administration connections bring to a school system. It doesn't mean that both sides will always agree, but it does demonstrate that when both groups work well together there is tremendous potential. To deny meaningful conversations, meetings, and connections is to put up a wall to the potential that exists. I want to think about how I might broach this issue with our local union board as we meet today. How can we foster deeper and better union-administration collaboration. We're off to a great start, and this is another avenue to propel that positive start even more. We may want to take advantage of the January 6th MTA event to research this move and other positive efforts even more. Onward.

Update: Please note that these meetings were later planned and has meant better system-union collaboration. Yeah!