Monday, December 16, 2013

Savor the Moment: Culture Celebration

The week started with a couple of unexpected admonishments--minor, but important when it comes to keeping spirits energized, understanding expectations, and doing good work.  I'm not quite clear about the specifics yet, and have requested the details, but I have to put those issues on hold as it's time to savor the moment.

The children have worked tirelessly for about three weeks to prepare for the culture project. They have crafted wonderful, informational posters, gathered artifacts, and prepared "headline announcements."  Now it's time to put all the other school matters aside, and celebrate the children's fine work and care.

Sometimes there's a temptation to get to the celebration and forget the hard work, care, and effort. That can't happen. Hence, tomorrow we'll devote ourselves to the children's triumphant work. We'll save the other matters, both positive and challenging, for another day.  It's time to celebrate!